Fixed asset tracking

Fixed Assets Management software

   The management of your assets, simplified by specialized management software, allows you to track assets from purchase to maintenance to disposal. Identification plays a key role in the fight against theft, fraud, and the illicit exchange of assets. 

   Our software allows you to track any fixed asset such as equipment, furniture, computers, vehicles and many other assets with the ease-of-use comprehensive asset management program. 

   Firstly, mark with labels all inventoriable capital assets upon receipt and acceptance to identify that the property belongs to your company. Then quickly scan items with data capture terminals. No manual entry needed, simply scan an item and all the data will be brought up. If you get regular asset audits you can keep your records straight with RFID tags.

   User friendly, effective and extremely efficient, application for data capture terminals enhances accuracy of stock taking by giving the operator various options from predetermined fields, which displays desired and optional amounts of information.

   We are also experts in asset tags and asset labels, which are an easy way to record and identify your valuable equipment with your name and individual numbering. We propose labels what work well on office furniture, fixtures, computers, office equipment and other fixed assets that are exposed to normal office conditions including scuffing and mild cleaning chemicals. Permanent pressure-sensitive adhesive provides lifetime adhesion.

Keep asset records up to date and take a physical inventory of assetsjust periodically.

Fixed Asset Tracking Software is designed to:

  • Improve Accuracy
  • Track Fixed Asset Movements
  • Speed Up stock taking process
  • Reduce the chance of mistakes
  • Reduce costs of performing physical inventories
  • Locate Fixed Asset Easily
  • Create One Central Fixed Asset Database
  • Increase Accountability
  • Reduce Shrinkage

   Our partners for data capture terminals in Ukraine термінали збору даних Point Mobile, Zebra, Caribe в Україні.
   Our partners for data capture terminals in Poland Kolektory danych, terminale Point Mobile, Zebra, Caribe w Polsce.

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